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Talkgroup 45536 - Department of Environmental Health 1

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:08 pm
by Brian
Talkgroup 45536 - '.... HazMat'

Sounds like a another Hazmat Talkgroup!

They been messing with setting up repeaters(air/chlorine testing machine) on Light post/signs/ anything they can attach stuff to it at Convention Center.

Then for fun they put the machine next to the 'gas nozzle' when they filled the vehicle up with gas to test the gas fumes.... end of day.

In January they were playing out at Qualcomm stadium doing the same thing.

'HSA Command'
'Ruffin Road','Chesapeake Dr' 'EOC' (county buildings is in that area)

Seems like they were testing the coverage around the county eoc.

"One guy had to leave to go to another call out.
APCD called it in (Air Pollution Control District)
due to lots of dust from a re-roofing jobsite (asbestos)"

This talkgroup been active on RCS Northzone & Rcs Southzone etc.

Jan 25th, 2008
Feb 5th/7th/9th ,2008

*Added to November 27th, 2008*